There are various allotments in Stokenchurch...
...and at Water End:
The rental cost of an allotment varies according to size, but as a guide, the current cost would be about £12.50 per annum. The allotment rules are shown below.
The Parish of Stokenchurch owns the Allotment sites in Stokenchurch Village and at Water End: the Council and its nominees are responsible for the allocation of plots and the general supervision of the sites for the benefit and amenity of the tenants.
If you would like to rent a plot, please contact the Clerk at Longburrow Hall (telephone 01494 482403, e-mail, who maintains a list of tenants and any waiting list for the allocation of plots. Priority is given to applicants resident in the Parish of Stokenchurch, although available plots may be let to applicants permanently resident in the immediate area.
Allotment rules and information booklet
The Parish Council produced a new booklet for allotment holders incorporating rules that were approved by the full council on 19th August 2020. The new rules are in effect from 1st October 2020.
The booklet can be found below.