Meetings, Agendas, Minutes

The Parish Council holds meetings throughout the year. You can find minutes of previous meetings and agendas for upcoming meetings via this page.

If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk at

Full council meets on the first Wednesday of each month (this sometimes changes for January). The meetings are held at Longburrow Hall and start at 19:00.

The public are always welcome to attend and to take part. The chairman will normally invite any members of public attending to make comments at the beginning of the meeting. However, if there is a specific item on the agenda where members of the public wish to make comments, the clerk should be contacted (01494 482403, who will advise the chairman accordingly.

The agenda for the next parish council meeting is published on the Friday before the meeting. It is posted on this website, our facebook page and on the parish notice boards.


The Clerk to the Parish Council records what happens at the meeting and produces minutes, which are put up on the website, facebook page and notice boards as soon as reasonably possible in draft format then approved by the council at the following meeting. Once the minutes are approved they are put on the website, facebook page, parish notice boards.

Format of Meetings

The format of meetings is prescribed and follows the order set out below: